NFTs are cryptographic tokens which are unique of their kind and cannot be replaced with another.The global ticketing market is expected to grow to $21.78 billion by 2028; however, much of the operations have been
Continue ReadingThe workers can interact in the metaverse, which is a digital world through their avatars and make the concept of virtual spaces sustain towards a next gen workforce innovation. That brings us to question: what are virtual spaces?
Continue ReadingA major inability which has been shown by such companies reminds of General Motors, Xerox, BlackBerry, Nokia and Blockbuster who were reluctant to change as per the trends and perished as a result.
Continue ReadingThe Metaverse completely changes that to a truly immersive experience where you can talk to your friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances via your avatar in the virtual space/world/realm which will look almost
Continue ReadingNFTs or non-fungible tokens have transformed many industries, art being one of the major ones which has undergone unprecedented evolution. Artists have been at the mercy of art galleries which take almost 60% to 70% of the proceeds
Continue ReadingMost people think that it was cryptopunks’ 10,000 NFTs minted on the Ethereum blockchain that flagged the rise of nfts . But if you deep dive and go a few years back, NFTs started before Ethereum was born. In 2012,
Continue Reading90% of the online traffic comes through mobileapps ! Why? Because at the pan world level, the use of the internet has been customized as per the platform. And majority of the users are well wired to the Internet using mobile devices:
Continue ReadingThe ability of non interchangeability at the face value imparts a unique character to each and every NFTs created on top of the blockchain to power-up diverse sectors.
Continue ReadingThere are several types of mobile apps that you can choose from for your business, including native, hybrid, cross-platform, and web apps. Here is some information about each type of app and
Continue ReadingThe business landscape has undergone massive transformation from bill-board advertising to websites to a new era of web3 introducing semantic web to users.
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